These three weeks I learnt quite a lot about the importance of knowing my own sweet spot on managing weight, food, fasting, exercise, and health.
I've been testing uric acid (UA), cholesterol(CL), and glucose (GL) bi-weekly to monthly before, to maintain their numbers. But these three weeks, I tested UA and CL everyday, while GL weekly. It was started when I tried to raise my Intermitten Fasting (IF) ratio time from 16:8 to 22:2, and my Uric Acid went up.
18hrs IF - 5.2
20-21hrs IF - 6
22-23hrs IF - 6.9!
I was panicked when I reached 6.9, but I managed to lower it down by finding my sweet spot IF ratio as 16:8, and now UA at lowest 3.5/5.5.
I also learnt that my body turns out to be sensitive towards beef meat. No matter how little of it that I ate, it raised my UA up to 0.8-1 point. So, I shall make sure my UA at low point, and go straight for 150gr grass fed beef steak rather than just go for bulgogi kimbab, and I know to limit my beef intake in bi-weekly basis.
I'm not too sensitive towards soy, oats or wheats, as I thought before. I can eat breakfast oats, tofu, and wheat sourdough safely at certain amount.
About weight, I learnt how my weight changes;
- 1kg after woke up
- 1-2kg after exercise
+ 1-2kg after meal
+ 2-3kg during period time and always came back to normal weight, after.
• I ate a lot, didn't count calorie, didn't exercise as well, during period. I let my body focus on healing.
• And no, the time of eating didn't affect my weight, as in; breakfast VS late dinner or supper are pretty much the same. The amount of food, what kind of food that I eat, and how long my fasting time, matter more.
I also found my sweet spot on exercise routines that I can do daily, without having too many fatigues. And yes, I still drop my weight in between all of those thing.
I think it is very important for us to know how our own body works. Each body has a different need, different metabolism, and each of us has a different goal. Even my results and my body reaction are very different with my husband's (with same food and similar activities).
No one diet/exercise routine fix all. Hope this helps you to pay attention more on how your own body works.
- Aim for a better tomorrow through healthy lifestyle, diverse insights, creative arts, and minimalist living. -
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