16kg lost, 4-5 sizes down, 7.5 - 20kg raise on strength training, 3.5 speed raise on walking, and beating my best record 2.7years ago on (endurance training) swimming session 6.5km in 2hrs 13mins, all in 4 months.
Not a bad result, but I'm actually more proud of myself for being able to make up my mind, showing up, strengthening my discipline, and doing my best through all of the ups and downs, regardless of the results. It almost feels like creating and shaping a whole different person, a better and bulletproof one I hope (physically and mentally).
Some people have told me of how different I look like now. However, since I see myself everyday, I didn't really realize it until I took this photo. And I only really feel the excitement when I tried my old clothes that didn't even fit me years ago, and now all of them are loosen up, lol. The (little bit) sad part is; I have to let go so many of my fave clothes that are too big for me, now.
Posting this here not to brag, and not even to inspire anyone. It was for the same reason as when I posted my pic while I was hospitalized for a month; to cement my commitment of things I promised myself to do. Keeping my accountability and integrity high.
Ending 2022 in high spirit and setting this as my new normal. I am still very far from my goal, but I know it's all about my mindset, my effort, and time.
I'll be there.
I'm burning the bridges to all of the things (and people) that don't deserve me, my energy, and my time.
Not gonna look back, will never go back.🖤
It's true that once we've tapped into our own strength and taste our independence, there is nothing that actually could stop us.
- Aim for a better tomorrow through healthy lifestyle, diverse insights, creative arts, and minimalist living. -
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