"Do you ever sit on a cafe, watching people, and think how we all are just kids trapped in adults' body, playing kids tea party game? Like.. some people will act and talk so big, as if who they are and what they said, were big deals, while we all can easily smell and sense those insecurities?"
"Yeah, some people want to be seen as so important. I saw some of those people at the cafe the other day, too. But I'm just a quiet observer, and it's kind of interesting to see how different cafes attract different kinds of people."
"I agree. Observing, that's what I always do, too. Those kind of cafes and those kind of people always made me feel grateful of the life that I have now. That I need no one to impress (or to be impressed with me), have no importance to boast of anything, have nothing to cover or hide, and feel completely free and content with myself. To be surrounded with only the people I care the most, and care about me, without the needs to wishy washy. To live my life and to be just me."
"That's really good tho. See, it does feel good to be content. 😝"
"It does. 😝"
"To be enough with everything that we have, and to be alright with everything that we don't."
Thank you Mr.Owl, for showing me that happiness has a lot of names, that love and friendship have many different facets, that care has many layers, and contentment has different depth levels. And this might be weird, but I can understand and feel the depth of your love and care for me, now more than ever. I mean, when you told me back then that you love and care about my happiness the most, I couldn't really understand why, or believe so, lol. But I understand now.
May we all always be healthy and be happy, no matter which cafe we choose to sit at, and what kind of people we choose to be.
- Aim for a better tomorrow through healthy lifestyle, diverse insights, creative arts, and minimalist living. -
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