-When Beatrix Potter was a little girl, imagining stories about rabbits that wear smart jackets, she was a lonely child who needed to concoct some company. And when Monet paint his impressionistic water lilies, he was a man deeply dissatisfied with traditional views of nature. The inventions of writers and artists are forged through dissatisfaction. That discrepancy between the world we walk through and the world inside of us encourages some to try to build a bridge (in the shape of a book about talking bunnies or an impressionistic painting). A perfectly happy artist would be a failure.- "I disagree on the part of the perfectly happy artist, tho." "Oh why?" "It just doesn't exist so it won't ever fail." --------- - Aim for a better tomorrow through healthy lifestyle, diverse insights, creative arts, and minimalist living. - ViliaCiputra.com Thank you for supporting my intention through owning my artworks , reading my writings , and following ...